CNIT 382/582 Network System Design (3 credits)

Catalog Description

This course discusses the design and implementation of routed and switched network involving IP addressing, LAN, WAN, Wireless, Security and Voice over IP to meet requirements of new and existing networks for business and organizations. The course covers design principles and network design tradeoff.

Upon completion of the course, students will learn how to.

  • 1. Be a good team player by working on semester‐long case studies and project.

  • 2. Write technical reports.

  • 3. Communicate effectively, risk/security assessment, and budget considerations.

  • 4. Identify network issues, risks, bottlenecks, and diagnose network problems

  • 5. Make decisions on the network topologies, routing protocols, network technologies.

  • 6. Design a new network model to meet business requirements for new and existing networks

  • 7. Describe and develop a network model using analysis and simulation.